Act 1, Scene 1–The Biblical Overture
Here at Stage #1, as part of Act 1, Scene 1 of God’s One Big Story, we will experience the Biblical Overture as it is presented in the 9 Vignettes found in Genesis 1-11. These Vignettes are…
1 – The creation of the world;
2 – The creation of man and woman;
3 – Their sin and fall from grace;
The consequences of their sin:
4 – Personally,
5 – In their family, and
6 – In society at large
7 – The judgment on their sin during the Flood;
8 – The “New World” after the Flood; and,
9 – Mankind’s On-Going Rebellion and its Judgment…
…and will introduce us to the themes and motifs that will be woven throughout the remainder of the Story.
Vignettes 1-2
Vignettes 3-4
Vignettes 5-7
Vignettes 8-9