Another Birthday Celebration!

Last year, in celebration of His Truth, My Voice’s ten-year anniversary, I created a new website, God’s One Big Story, where I hoped to present the Story of the Bible in a way that would make it understandable to anyone who was interested in knowing it. Toward that end, I have spent the past year presenting the Love Story of the Bible there as a two-act play in which Act 1 recounts the story of God’s love relationship with Israel and Act 2 relates the story of Christ’s love relationship with the Church. In our study so far, we have learned about the staging, cast, format, plot, and means of presentation for the story; covered all of Act 1, Scene 1–Genesis 1-11 or the Overture to the entire story; and are currently in Act 1, Scene 2 where we are being presented with the 4 Bio-Pics (biographical pictures) of the men most responsible for Israel’s entry on to the world’s stage–the first of these being Abraham.
If you are at all interested in learning about the Bible in this new and somewhat unusual way, I’d like to invite you to join me on this journey of discovery. On your first visit to the website, though, I’d suggest that you use your computer rather than your phone so that you can get a better idea of the layout. To do so, please go to the home page,, where you will be given instructions on how to navigate the site–or you can just go to the first post, Let’s Suppose, and begin there. Each post is arranged consecutively and there is a link at the end of each post that will take you to the next one.
I look forward to seeing you soon at God’s One Big Story and pray that any time spent there will prove to be a blessing in your life!
Judy Roberts

Mary Jo Peavey-Smith
Happy Birthday to your work, may God continue to bless people through it!
Thank you, Mary Jo!