Anniversary Update
May 13 of this year marked the 10th anniversary of His Truth, My Voice, and in celebration of that I decided that it was time to make a few changes. The first thing I did was move this site to a new webhosting company and once there, the next thing I did was create a new website–one dedicated to teaching the Bible as God’s One Big Story! Needless to say, I have been very busy the past couple of months getting it set up and now that all of the introductory lessons have been posted, I am happy to be able to refer you to that new site. As…
Today, as we are remembering those who have died in the pursuit of our freedoms, I would like to remember my uncle George who, after serving in WWII, was later sent to Korea where he was killed, buried in a mass grave, and classified as MIA for over fifty years! Thank you for your service and sacrifice!
A Pause and a Cause for Worship
In light of the revival that has taken place at Asbury University over the past couple of weeks, I thought it might be edifying to repost what I wrote about worship nearly ten years ago in a post entitled A Pause and a Cause for Worship. Here it is… After each of our visits, I like to take a little time to ponder what we have been talking about so that I can try to decide where we should go in our next discussion. As a goal-oriented person, I usually have a very good idea of where that is and just how to go about getting there; but, as is…
A New Year’s Day Blessing…
As this most welcome of New Years begins to open up before us, it is my prayer that this will prove to be a year of healing, hope, and blessing for us all. And to help us usher it in properly, here is a blessing from Psalm 67 of God’s Word… God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us, That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously,…
A Line and a Net
Some weeks ago, while listening to a prophetic word concerning this past November’s highly contested presidential election, two words were dropped into my spirit. The first of these was line, followed a few minutes later by the word net. When I heard “line,” I was immediately reminded of what I had written last summer in my post Smoke and Mirrors. There, I had warned believers not to be taken in or deceived by the pandemic and the race riots which were then taking place, because they were merely diversionary tactics of the devil, designed… To create a line of division between believers—to prevent them from forming a solid voting…