Another Birthday Celebration!
Last year, in celebration of His Truth, My Voice’s ten-year anniversary, I created a new website, God’s One Big Story, where I hoped to present the Story of the Bible in a way that would make it understandable to anyone who was interested in knowing it. Toward that end, I have spent the past year presenting the Love Story of the Bible there as a two-act play in which Act 1 recounts the story of God’s love relationship with Israel and Act 2 relates the story of Christ’s love relationship with the Church. In our study so far, we have learned about the staging, cast, format, plot, and means…
Celebrating Another Year!
Eleven years ago today, I launched His Truth, My Voice, even though just a few months before I didn’t even know what a blog was. Just goes to show that God can do anything, with anyone who makes themselves available. Of course, as a poster child for 2 Corinthians 12:9… My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness… …I can take no credit or receive any praise for anything good that may have come from this endeavor–it all must go to Him! Thank you to all who have stayed with me and prayed for me over the past eleven years–I hope you will continue to do…
Anniversary Update
May 13 of this year marked the 10th anniversary of His Truth, My Voice, and in celebration of that I decided that it was time to make a few changes. The first thing I did was move this site to a new webhosting company and once there, the next thing I did was create a new website–one dedicated to teaching the Bible as God’s One Big Story! Needless to say, I have been very busy the past couple of months getting it set up and now that all of the introductory lessons have been posted, I am happy to be able to refer you to that new site. As…
Just a note…
…to let you know that I will be out of commission for a little while. I will be off to the hospital tomorrow to get a new knee. Please pray that my new knee and I become good friends–fast! As always, Judy
Visit the Workout Room
His Truth, My Voice has added a new Page to its lineup. It is the Workout Room, and this is the place where we will be attempting to get spiritually fit through a program of exercises in Spiritual Disciplines. The first set of exercises, dealing with the basic principles of Salvation, has been posted there so be sure to check it out. If you know someone who has yet to experience this gracious gift of God, or maybe someone who has been saved but still has questions about their Salvation, please be sure to refer them to this Page— http://histruthmyvoice.org/?page_id=5756.