Early Posts
Posts from the beginning of His Truth, My Voice until the beginning of the study of God's One Big Story.
The Way We Are Isn’t The Way We Were…
While it is true that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and while it may seem that we have been wandering off the beaten path during some of our recent visits together, I feel certain that if we take a moment to do a brief recap of our journey together so far, we will find that we have been traveling along a remarkably straight road. In fact, we should be able to see an orderly, even progressive, pattern starting to develop—almost as if someone had planned it that way! I wish I could take credit for it but, in spite of the fact that I…
A Pause and a Cause for Worship
After each of our visits, I like to take a little time to ponder what we have been talking about so that I can try to decide where we should go in our next discussion. As a goal-oriented person, I usually have a very good idea of where that is and just how to go about getting there; but, as is so often the case in my life, that isn’t the way it usually works out. All too frequently in my estimation, what I consider to be my good plans are side-lined by God, and replaced by ones that He thinks are far better (imagine that!). And this is exactly…
A Pop-Sized Picture of the Father
Although it was my intention during this visit to continue on in our discussion of overcoming, I have decided that in deference to Father’s Day (and since you have already met my mother), this would be a good time to introduce you to my father—my earthly one, that is. I find that I very seldom mention him to people these days but that isn’t due to any lack of love or respect, it is only because he has been gone from our lives for such a long time now. You see, back in 1972 he died suddenly of a heart attack at the relatively young age of fifty-eight–when I was…
Welcome to the Overcomer’s Club!
Hi, and welcome back! After our last visit and our previous discussion about some of the more depressing aspects of the Christian life, I wasn’t altogether sure that you would be back. But I am glad that you weren’t scared off because today, I want to talk to you about one of the most positive and exciting realities of our Christian experience. In fact, what I have to share today is so good that we may have to once again resort to the use of sound effects! Before we get to all of that, however, let’s take a moment to review what we talked about last time—which is, Jesus…
…But No One Said It Was Going to Be Easy!
During our last visit, I think we pretty well established the fact that life is really very simple, because it is all about Jesus. However, just because we have been able to reduce it to its simplest form, that does not mean that life is ever going to be easy. If you will recall my Basic Principle #1—that all of the events in our lives are designed for one of two purposes, either to bring us to Christ or to make us like Him—then just think of the many difficult things that each of us have had and will have to walk through or endure in order to arrive at…