Salvation Posts
Exercises in Salvation.
Salvation: Can We Lose It?
Many years ago, I attended a church which staunchly supported its denomination’s position that a person can lose his salvation. Up to that point in my Christian experience, I hadn’t given much thought to the matter, probably because the thought that a saved person could somehow become unsaved had never occurred to me. However, since all I have ever wanted to know is the truth, I decided to try and keep an open mind about it, at least until I could search the scriptures for myself. As I started thinking about it, though, the idea of a person losing their Salvation began to seem like a very far-fetched and…
Salvation: Do We Have a Choice?
I have been a Christian for many years and in all that time, the three subjects which seem to have generated more confusion and conflict within the Body of Christ than anything else have been… Predestination and Election The Eternal Security of the Believer, and Women in Ministry. However, for all of the discussion and arguments provoked by these subjects, not much in the way of a consensus seems to have been reached. I believe this is primarily due to the fact that proponents on both sides of the issues have often failed to interpret the verses supporting their positions within their immediate contexts and within the overall context…
Salvation: How Do We Get It?
Now that we have a better idea of what Salvation is and why we need it, let’s stretch our spiritual muscles a little further as we learn how to appropriate this wonderful gift for ourselves, through something called the New Birth. Although some may consider the “head” knowledge of Salvation we gained in our previous workout session to be sufficient, that mere intellectual knowledge will prove to be woefully inadequate in providing us with the foundation we will need for our upcoming exercises in practical Christianity. For the purposes of this program, then, we can gain an experiential knowledge of Salvation (if it hasn’t been done already) through an active participation in each of the…
Salvation: What It Is and Why We Need It
When it comes to thinking about Salvation, there seem to be two vastly different approaches to the subject. Although both of these are very broad generalizations… To the “Unsaved,” Salvation is often regarded as either– an antiquated theological doctrine, designed to rob life of its happiness and any sense of personal fulfillment; or, a religious crutch for those who lack the intelligence, sophistication, attractiveness, or success necessary to do life well on their own; while… To the “Saved,” it is often regarded merely as the means by which— their sins are forgiven and their lives are made right with God; and, their eternal destination is changed from Hell to Heaven. Of…