Spiritual Warfare Posts

Exercises in Spiritual Warfare.

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Taking the Offensive

      At long last, we are nearing the end of our exercises in Spiritual Warfare.  Our graduation from Boot Camp is right around the corner, as is our return to our duty stations where we will have the opportunity to put into action the things that we have learned here.  As we do, we can be confident that… Because of what Christ accomplished on the Cross, we now possess the Authority we need to overtake and defeat any foe that we come up against; Everything we will be called upon to overcome is all part of God’s way of preparing us for our Destiny of ruling and reigning with Christ…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare:  Gearing Up for Battle

      For some time now, we have been involved in a rather rigorous training program, a Spiritual Boot Camp of sorts, designed to prepare us—as followers of Jesus Christ—for service as soldiers in the Army of God.  As part of this training for Spiritual Warfare, we have… Learned that the warfare in which we are to be engaged is essentially A Question of Authority, as well as A Preparation for Our Destiny; Learned a little about Our Enemy, Satan, and discovered that the Nature of this Conflict, at its core, is a Battle between him and God for the Will of every Man, Woman, and Child on the face of…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare:  The False Faith of Religion

      Now that we have finished mapping out the first two tiers of Satan’s earthly kingdom… Its Physical and Financial Landscape; and, The Educational and Media Structures making up its Cultural Landscape… …it is time for us to move on to a survey of its third tier, which is the Religious Landscape over which he rules.  As we do, we need to keep in mind that the Structures in these Landscapes have been especially designed to maximize Satan’s control, conditioning, and corruption of Corporate Humanity’s Body, Soul, and Spirit.  As we have learned previously, it is through the manipulation of the… Physical and Financial Structures that he Controls what people…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Image Manipulation and the Media

      To try and put into perspective just where we are in our current series of exercises in Spiritual Warfare, let’s take a moment to recap what we accomplished during our last three workout sessions.  In… Getting the Lay of the Land—we began creating a spiritual map of Satan’s kingdom, with a survey of its Celestial, Terrestrial, and Subterranean Divisions—or the vertical dimensions of its territory; Surveying the Earth’s Political and Financial Landscapes—we turned our attention from the kingdom’s vertical dimensions to mapping out its horizontal ones, with an exploration of the Physical Structures used in keeping the residents of planet Earth in material servitude; and, Evolution and Education—we looked…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Evolution and Education

      In our last Workout Session, as part of our on-going effort to map out Satan’s Kingdom, we began surveying the Landscapes of the Terrestrial or Earthly Division of his realm.  Given the amount of territory to be covered in this exercise, it will no doubt prove to be one of the most strenuous ones we have undertaken to date; so strenuous, in fact, that it must be spread it out over the course of four sessions, with… Session 1—Covering the Political and Financial Landscape of Satan’s Kingdom; Session 2—Covering the Educational Aspect of Satan’s Cultural Landscape; Session 3—Covering the Media Aspect of Satan’s Cultural Landscape; and, Session 4—Covering the…