• Announcement Posts

    Anniversary Update

        May 13 of this year marked the 10th anniversary of His Truth, My Voice, and in celebration of that I decided that it was time to make a few changes.  The first thing I did was move this site to a new webhosting company and once there, the next thing I did was create a new website–one dedicated…

  • Remembering
    Seasonal Posts


      Today, as we are remembering those who have died in the pursuit of our freedoms, I would like to remember my uncle George who, after serving in WWII, was later sent to Korea where he was killed, buried in a mass grave, and classified as MIA for over fifty years! Thank you for your service and sacrifice!    

  • Timely Reflections

    A Pause and a Cause for Worship

    In light of the revival that has taken place at Asbury University over the past couple of weeks, I thought it might be edifying to repost what I wrote about worship nearly ten years ago in a post entitled A Pause and a Cause for Worship.  Here it is… After each of our visits, I like to take a little…

  • Seasonal Posts

    A New Year’s Day Blessing…

    As this most welcome of New Years begins to open up before us, it is my prayer that this will prove to be a year of healing, hope, and blessing for us all.  And to help us usher it in properly, here is a blessing from Psalm 67 of God’s Word… God be merciful to us and bless us, ​​And cause…

  • Timely Reflections

    A Line and a Net

      Some weeks ago, while listening to a prophetic word concerning this past November’s highly contested presidential election, two words were dropped into my spirit. The first of these was line, followed a few minutes later by the word net.  When I heard “line,” I was immediately reminded of what I had written last summer in my post Smoke and…