• Miscellaneous Posts

    Still here, after all these years…

      Today marks the seventh birthday for His Truth, My Voice.  When I started this blog, I knew nothing about blogging–I just knew that I wanted to share what I had learned about the Bible with others.  There have certainly been a lot of ups and downs but then that’s the way life is, isn’t it?  As my mother used to say, if it’s not one thing, it’s another! For the past year and a half, I have been taking care of our grandson (now twenty months old) while his parents worked so I haven’t been as productive as in previous years.  But I do hope that I can get…

  • Early Posts

    My Journey to the Land of Blog

    Have you ever suddenly found yourself in a place and then wondered how you got there?  Or, maybe you had actually been planning on a trip but then once you arrived at your destination, you felt like you needed to pinch yourself just to make sure that you were really there?  Well, that’s the kind of situation I find myself in these days as far as this whole blogging business is concerned.   I mean, as few as three months ago, if anyone had suggested that I write a blog, I would have laughed and said, “Do what?”  That’s because, as the most private person I know as well as one…

  • Early Posts

    The Prophet is In, Just Bring Your Own Snacks

    Hi, my name is Judy Roberts, and I am so pleased to be able to welcome you to my home on the web.  If you have any interest in things of a spiritual nature—and by spiritual, I mean those of the Christ-honoring kind—please feel free to stop in and visit me whenever you can.  Just a note, though:  if you were visiting with me in my brick-and-mortar home right now, I would be doing my best to make you feel more at ease by offering you some coffee or tea, and perhaps one of my homemade apple squares or killer chocolate chip cookies.  However, given the limitations imposed upon us…