Time Out for a Vision Check at Booth #4
So far, during our extended stop-over at the Welcome Center of the Word, we have taken time out for: A Bible check at Booth #1; A Baggage check at Booth #2; and, A Map check at Booth #3. Now that we have taken care of these first few essentials, let’s make our way on over to Booth #4, where we will take some time for a vision check. Why a vision check? Well, before proceeding any further into the Land of Revelation Knowledge, and so that we will be able to behold all of the beautiful truths waiting for us up ahead, we need to make sure that our…
For Everything There Is a Season…There’s Even One to Rock and Roll
Last week, as I was pondering and praying over the direction that our future visits should take, I heard the Lord speak to me, saying quite clearly: “It is time to rock and roll, little girl. This is not the time to be timid and pull back (which, as a marshmallow, is something that I tend to do)—this is the time to rock and roll!” And, with that, I knew just what He wanted me to do. This was His way of telling me that the time had come for me to get down to the business that He has called me to, which is not only teaching people what…
…Truth Hidden in the Trees
When we ended our last visit, we did so poised with our treasure hunting tools in hand, ready for the truth-seeking adventure that was promised for today. As you may recall, Tool #1 was the understanding that we had gained as to how the Big, Infinite, Spiritual, and Holy God of the Bible reveals Himself to us–the small, fleshly, finite, and sinful human beings who are living here on planet earth. We learned that this God reveals Himself not only through what He says in His Word, but also through the things that He does, which, as we saw last time, included the separating, dividing, and judging of…
A Pause and a Cause for Worship
After each of our visits, I like to take a little time to ponder what we have been talking about so that I can try to decide where we should go in our next discussion. As a goal-oriented person, I usually have a very good idea of where that is and just how to go about getting there; but, as is so often the case in my life, that isn’t the way it usually works out. All too frequently in my estimation, what I consider to be my good plans are side-lined by God, and replaced by ones that He thinks are far better (imagine that!). And this is exactly…
A Pop-Sized Picture of the Father
Although it was my intention during this visit to continue on in our discussion of overcoming, I have decided that in deference to Father’s Day (and since you have already met my mother), this would be a good time to introduce you to my father—my earthly one, that is. I find that I very seldom mention him to people these days but that isn’t due to any lack of love or respect, it is only because he has been gone from our lives for such a long time now. You see, back in 1972 he died suddenly of a heart attack at the relatively young age of fifty-eight–when I was…