Spiritual Warfare: Image Manipulation and the Media
To try and put into perspective just where we are in our current series of exercises in Spiritual Warfare, let’s take a moment to recap what we accomplished during our last three workout sessions. In… Getting the Lay of the Land—we began creating a spiritual map of Satan’s kingdom, with a survey of its Celestial, Terrestrial, and Subterranean Divisions—or the vertical dimensions of its territory; Surveying the Earth’s Political and Financial Landscapes—we turned our attention from the kingdom’s vertical dimensions to mapping out its horizontal ones, with an exploration of the Physical Structures used in keeping the residents of planet Earth in material servitude; and, Evolution and Education—we looked…
Spiritual Warfare: Getting the Lay of the Land
Having familiarized ourselves with the character, career, and ultimate end of our enemy (Satan) in our previous exercise, it is now time for us to “get the lay of the land” over which he rules. In other words, we are going to reconnoiter–or, to put it into military terms–do a “recon” of our enemy’s territory. Since reconnoiter comes from the French word reconnoiter, meaning to “make a survey,” our goal in this action is… …to inspect, observe, or survey (the enemy, the enemy’s strength or position, a region, etc.) in order to gain information for military purposes.[1] Given that the enemy’s territory is so vast, and largely invisible to the…
Spiritual Warfare: Knowing the Enemy
In our last exercise, we learned how important it is to understand the nature of the spiritual conflict in which we, as the Sons and Daughters of God, are engaged. As we shall learn in this exercise, it is equally important for us to discover as much as we can about our adversary—that is, if we want to stay alert and guard against his assaults. For… …unless we grasp how the devil fits into God’s scheme of things, we will find it more difficult to stand against his conspiracy against us personally and his influence within our culture. How we perceive our enemy will largely determine how we fight…
Spiritual Warfare: Understanding the Nature of the Conflict
Having established some of the foundational principles for Spiritual Warfare in our last two exercises—that… Through Christ, we are once-again the divinely Authorized Rulers over Planet Earth; and, By learning to exercise our Authority over His and our enemies, we are being trained to rule along with Christ when He returns to the Earth to set up His Kingdom… …it is time for us to move on to the training exercises that will help ensure our victory in the spiritual battles that lie ahead. To help us get into the best fighting shape possible, this training will include exercises in… Understanding the Nature of the Conflict; Knowing the Enemy;…
Service: Women and the Work of God, Part 2
As promised at the end of our last workout session, we are back to finish what we started in our exercise on Service: Women and the Work of God. There, in Part One, in pursuit of a better understanding of the role God intends for Women to play in the Service of His Kingdom, we once again went back to the story of Adam and Eve, looking at it to determine… God’s Purposes for the Sexes; God’s Punishment of the Sexes; and, God’s Promise to the Sexes. As a result, we discovered that in His quest for a Family to love, God created Man as a Spirit Being, a Spirit…