• Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Image Manipulation and the Media

      To try and put into perspective just where we are in our current series of exercises in Spiritual Warfare, let’s take a moment to recap what we accomplished during our last three workout sessions.  In… Getting the Lay of the Land—we began creating a spiritual map of Satan’s kingdom, with a survey of its Celestial, Terrestrial, and Subterranean Divisions—or the vertical dimensions of its territory; Surveying the Earth’s Political and Financial Landscapes—we turned our attention from the kingdom’s vertical dimensions to mapping out its horizontal ones, with an exploration of the Physical Structures used in keeping the residents of planet Earth in material servitude; and, Evolution and Education—we looked…

  • Can't Isn't in My Vocabulary
    Service Posts

    Service: Women and the Work of God, Part 1

      In our last exercise, Service: Interrupted…By Devilish Design, we learned how Satan, in his drive to establish his kingdom’s rule over the earth, has been at work trying to prevent the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth.  We discovered that from the beginning of human history to the present time he has… Grown his kingdom by alienating people from God, taking and keeping them captive through sin; Limited the growth of God’s Kingdom by keeping those under his dominion ignorant of God’s goodness, as well as the freedom they could be enjoying as members of His Kingdom; and, Hindered the advancement of the Kingdom of God by means…

  • God's Family Plan
    Service Posts

    Service: The Church as the Family of God

      In our last exercise, Service: The Church as the Body of Christ, we were introduced to the concept that the Church, like the human body, is composed of three parts serving on three different levels, with each part being delegated a specific role to fulfill in its service for Christ.  As… The corporate Body of Christ, the Church is to reach outward into the world; bringing the good news of Salvation to the lost in order to bring them into the Family of God; The corporate Soul of Christ, the Church is to reach inward to the members of the Family of God; loving and encouraging them while helping…

  • Early Posts

    A Pop-Sized Picture of the Father

    Although it was my intention during this visit to continue on in our discussion of overcoming, I have decided that in deference to Father’s Day (and since you have already met my mother), this would be a good time to introduce you to my father—my earthly one, that is.  I find that I very seldom mention him to people these days but that isn’t due to any lack of love or respect, it is only because he has been gone from our lives for such a long time now.  You see, back in 1972 he died suddenly of a heart attack at the relatively young age of fifty-eight–when I was…