• Timely Reflections

    While They Were Sleeping…

      Admittedly, it has been quite a while since I posted anything new of real substance here—the last two such items being Smoke and Mirrors in July 2020, and A Line and a Net in January 2021. In the former, given at the height of the pandemic and in the wake of George Floyd’s death and the ensuing riots, I warned the Church not to be misled by those events, as they were simply diversionary tactics of the devil designed to foster more division and strife in both the nation and the Church, disrupt the 2020 elections and usher in the globalists’ agenda, while camouflaging just how far Satan’s kingdom…

  • Timely Reflections

    A Pause and a Cause for Worship

    In light of the revival that has taken place at Asbury University over the past couple of weeks, I thought it might be edifying to repost what I wrote about worship nearly ten years ago in a post entitled A Pause and a Cause for Worship.  Here it is… After each of our visits, I like to take a little time to ponder what we have been talking about so that I can try to decide where we should go in our next discussion.   As a goal-oriented person, I usually have a very good idea of where that is and just how to go about getting there; but, as is…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Taking the Offensive

      At long last, we are nearing the end of our exercises in Spiritual Warfare.  Our graduation from Boot Camp is right around the corner, as is our return to our duty stations where we will have the opportunity to put into action the things that we have learned here.  As we do, we can be confident that… Because of what Christ accomplished on the Cross, we now possess the Authority we need to overtake and defeat any foe that we come up against; Everything we will be called upon to overcome is all part of God’s way of preparing us for our Destiny of ruling and reigning with Christ…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare:  Gearing Up for Battle

      For some time now, we have been involved in a rather rigorous training program, a Spiritual Boot Camp of sorts, designed to prepare us—as followers of Jesus Christ—for service as soldiers in the Army of God.  As part of this training for Spiritual Warfare, we have… Learned that the warfare in which we are to be engaged is essentially A Question of Authority, as well as A Preparation for Our Destiny; Learned a little about Our Enemy, Satan, and discovered that the Nature of this Conflict, at its core, is a Battle between him and God for the Will of every Man, Woman, and Child on the face of…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Surveying the Earth’s Political and Financial Landscapes

      Now that we have finished mapping out the y-axis, or vertical dimensions of Satan’s kingdom, it is time for us to do the same with the x-axis, or the horizontal reach of his domain.  As we do, we will discover that just as there were three divisions along the previously studied y-axis, there will also be three tiers or levels along the x-axis of this spiritual map. As you may recall, the three divisions that we learned about in our last exercise were… The Celestial Division; The Terrestrial Division; and, The Subterranean Division…  …with the first of these divisions serving as the location for Satan’s headquarters—or, “command central” for…