• 1-Bible Story Posts, Preliminaries

    More about the Bible… from Booth #1

      I hope everyone has taken the time to look over the Bible Brochure that is available here in Booth #1 at the Welcome Center of the Word.  While the veteran believers or long-time church members among us—those who are traveling in Group #1—might consider the information contained in it to be more than adequate to meet their needs, those traveling with us in Groups #2 and #3 who have little or no knowledge of the Bible, might prefer to receive a little more information on what the Bible is all about.  So, in an effort to address the needs of these last two groups, we’re going to take a few…

  • 1-Bible Story Posts, Preliminaries

    Now…On to the Welcome Center of the Word

    Well…we have made it across the border!  Having received the gift of God’s glorious Salvation as the result of the New Birth, we have left behind the spiritual bondage and death so characteristic of the dark, barren land of the natural life, and are now entering the vibrant, verdant, and fruit–filled land of the Spirit—a land simply exploding with light and liberty!  I hope you have already noticed the change in the atmosphere.     Something else to take notice of as you eagerly survey this brand-new landscape, is that the land through which we are now traveling is one that is filled with peaks and valleys:  majestic peaks, blanketed…

  • 1-Bible Story Posts, Preliminaries

    Next Stop…the New Birth!

    Now that everyone is back on board the train, it’s time for us to leave the Salvation Station; the place where we were introduced to God’s wonderful plan for saving sinners from death and destruction while, at the same time, adopting them as His very own children–in the process, giving them a hope in this life as well as a glorious future in the next. What we didn’t learn here, though, is just how we can appropriate this salvation that God has so graciously provided for us.  With that as our immediate goal, let’s make our way to the next stop on our tour, the New Birth Station; where we will not…

  • Early Posts

    Tree Treasures, Part II

      Trees—who knew there was so much treasure to be found in them; I mean, how were we supposed to know that hidden behind all of those leaves, there would be so much rich spiritual truth just waiting to be uncovered?  And yet, as we learned in Romans 1: 19-20, hiding truth in a tree was all part of God’s plan to make known to us such otherwise unknowable things as “…his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature…” through the things that He had made.  This would seem to imply that all of creation is just one huge treasure trove of divine truth waiting to be discovered,…

  • Early Posts

    A Detour Around the Trees

      Although I had planned on using our time together today to try and answer some of the questions that were raised at the end our last visit—questions as to why God would choose to use trees to tell His story of redemption—it doesn’t look like that is going to happen.  The reason being, every time I have tried to organize my thoughts on the subject, it was as if somebody put my brain on “automatic scramble” and after being hit with the equivalent of a mental brickbat, not just once but many times, I decided that it would be to my advantage to go with whatever alternative the Lord…