Redemption, a Story Told by Trees
I don’t know why but I have always had a special fondness for trees; and, since most of my life has been spent living in Virginia, there has seldom been a time when I did not have a beautiful one to behold. That being said, try to imagine the shock that I experienced shortly after my husband and I were married, when we moved to West Texas, a place where trees are a rare and very precious commodity. At first, the fact that we would actually be moving to a place where trees would be so scarce didn’t really sink in; but, as we were driving across country to…
Loose Threads…
When I was very young, my mother took a job as a school bus driver so that she could buy two things: a Royal typewriter and a Singer sewing machine. Not long after she bought the typewriter, she enrolled in, and later completed, the typing and shorthand classes being offered by one of the local high school’s adult education programs. Although I am sure she did exemplary work in those classes (my mother always brought home “A’s”), I don’t think she ever got to use her newly acquired skills in any vocational way. That’s because my mother’s real gifts were in cooking and managing, and it was the combination…
If there had been newspapers back at the beginning of human history, the events that we have been discussing recently might have looked something like this when reported in the local paper. ******************************************** The Garden Gazette Serving the Greater Eden Area since the Creation of the World EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! A Crisis in the Cosmos! Yesterday, a tragedy of inestimable proportions took place in the Garden of God at Eden when a malevolent Being, previously unknown to the residents of the area, appeared in the Garden in the guise of a serpent and duped Adam and Eve, the overseers of the Garden, into disobeying the direct orders…
…But Why Couldn’t We Stay the Way We Were?
During our last time together, we began a discussion designed to lead us to a better understanding of the age-old problem of why, when we want to obey God in the spirit, do we so often fail to follow through in the flesh? It’s the old flesh-versus-spirit battle; a battle that we will need to learn to win if we are ever going to become overcomers like Jesus. We began our search by going back to the beginning of time and looking at the first man God created, so we could see how he and we were originally designed to function. What we learned was that when God created…
The Way We Are Isn’t The Way We Were…
While it is true that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and while it may seem that we have been wandering off the beaten path during some of our recent visits together, I feel certain that if we take a moment to do a brief recap of our journey together so far, we will find that we have been traveling along a remarkably straight road. In fact, we should be able to see an orderly, even progressive, pattern starting to develop—almost as if someone had planned it that way! I wish I could take credit for it but, in spite of the fact that I…