The Coming Harvest
Over the past several years, there have been a number of prophetic words given concerning an upcoming spiritual revival, one that promises to usher in the Third Great Awakening in America and produce a world-wide, billion-soul harvest for the Kingdom of God. Not surprisingly, the immediate responses from those on the receiving end of these words have been universal and enthusiastic exclamations of Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, and Amen—in other words, “It’s about time—bring it on!” And yet, as much as we may long to see this take place, as people living in twenty-first century urbanized America, we have no idea what such a harvest might look like or…
Smoke and Mirrors
When the Coronavirus first broke out, I kept hearing in my spirit the phrase, “Smoke and Mirrors.” But not being given anything else to go on, all I could do was wait for further instructions. Then, when George Floyd died and all of the riots broke out, I heard “Smoke and Mirrors” once more—again, without being given any additional information or instruction. Afterward, while observing the fallout from these events, I was amazed by the clear dividing line that was being drawn—not among the unbelievers but among those whom I considered to be committed and mature followers of Christ. I was simultaneously stunned and grieved to see so many of…
Spiritual Warfare: Taking the Offensive
At long last, we are nearing the end of our exercises in Spiritual Warfare. Our graduation from Boot Camp is right around the corner, as is our return to our duty stations where we will have the opportunity to put into action the things that we have learned here. As we do, we can be confident that… Because of what Christ accomplished on the Cross, we now possess the Authority we need to overtake and defeat any foe that we come up against; Everything we will be called upon to overcome is all part of God’s way of preparing us for our Destiny of ruling and reigning with Christ…
Spiritual Warfare: Image Manipulation and the Media
To try and put into perspective just where we are in our current series of exercises in Spiritual Warfare, let’s take a moment to recap what we accomplished during our last three workout sessions. In… Getting the Lay of the Land—we began creating a spiritual map of Satan’s kingdom, with a survey of its Celestial, Terrestrial, and Subterranean Divisions—or the vertical dimensions of its territory; Surveying the Earth’s Political and Financial Landscapes—we turned our attention from the kingdom’s vertical dimensions to mapping out its horizontal ones, with an exploration of the Physical Structures used in keeping the residents of planet Earth in material servitude; and, Evolution and Education—we looked…
Spiritual Warfare: Getting the Lay of the Land
Having familiarized ourselves with the character, career, and ultimate end of our enemy (Satan) in our previous exercise, it is now time for us to “get the lay of the land” over which he rules. In other words, we are going to reconnoiter–or, to put it into military terms–do a “recon” of our enemy’s territory. Since reconnoiter comes from the French word reconnoiter, meaning to “make a survey,” our goal in this action is… …to inspect, observe, or survey (the enemy, the enemy’s strength or position, a region, etc.) in order to gain information for military purposes.[1] Given that the enemy’s territory is so vast, and largely invisible to the…