Spiritual Warfare: Evolution and Education
In our last Workout Session, as part of our on-going effort to map out Satan’s Kingdom, we began surveying the Landscapes of the Terrestrial or Earthly Division of his realm. Given the amount of territory to be covered in this exercise, it will no doubt prove to be one of the most strenuous ones we have undertaken to date; so strenuous, in fact, that it must be spread it out over the course of four sessions, with… Session 1—Covering the Political and Financial Landscape of Satan’s Kingdom; Session 2—Covering the Educational Aspect of Satan’s Cultural Landscape; Session 3—Covering the Media Aspect of Satan’s Cultural Landscape; and, Session 4—Covering the…
Spiritual Warfare: Surveying the Earth’s Political and Financial Landscapes
Now that we have finished mapping out the y-axis, or vertical dimensions of Satan’s kingdom, it is time for us to do the same with the x-axis, or the horizontal reach of his domain. As we do, we will discover that just as there were three divisions along the previously studied y-axis, there will also be three tiers or levels along the x-axis of this spiritual map. As you may recall, the three divisions that we learned about in our last exercise were… The Celestial Division; The Terrestrial Division; and, The Subterranean Division… …with the first of these divisions serving as the location for Satan’s headquarters—or, “command central” for…
Sanctification: Restoring the Soul through Worship
So far, through our exercises in Sanctification, we have learned that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to restore our emotions through Prayer and our minds through the study and application of the Word of God—a ministry bringing our hearts into alignment with that of the Father and transforming our minds into ones more like Christ’s. But this only encompasses the restoration of two of the components of our souls—leaving the third one, our all-important and powerful wills, for the Spirit to deal with. And deal with them, He must; because unlike our emotions which are simply expressions of how we feel, and our minds which merely reveal…