Sanctification: Restoring the Soul through the Word of God
We really stretched our spiritual muscles in our last exercise—Sanctification: Restoring the Soul through Prayer—as we learned how the Holy Spirit teaches us to talk to our Heavenly Father through prayer, and how He uses those prayers to… Make us One with the Father in His Person; and, Make us One with the Father in His Purpose. Additionally, through these prayers He opens up an emotional “love-line” between God and us; creating a place where we are free to express our deepest feelings and concerns without censure; and where, as our spirits and hearts become united with God’s over time, we are able to absorb and share in the…
More about the Bible… from Booth #1
I hope everyone has taken the time to look over the Bible Brochure that is available here in Booth #1 at the Welcome Center of the Word. While the veteran believers or long-time church members among us—those who are traveling in Group #1—might consider the information contained in it to be more than adequate to meet their needs, those traveling with us in Groups #2 and #3 who have little or no knowledge of the Bible, might prefer to receive a little more information on what the Bible is all about. So, in an effort to address the needs of these last two groups, we’re going to take a few…