• 1-Bible Story Posts, Preliminaries

    Next Stop…the New Birth!

    Now that everyone is back on board the train, it’s time for us to leave the Salvation Station; the place where we were introduced to God’s wonderful plan for saving sinners from death and destruction while, at the same time, adopting them as His very own children–in the process, giving them a hope in this life as well as a glorious future in the next. What we didn’t learn here, though, is just how we can appropriate this salvation that God has so graciously provided for us.  With that as our immediate goal, let’s make our way to the next stop on our tour, the New Birth Station; where we will not…

  • Salvation
    1-Bible Story Posts, Preliminaries

    All Aboard…For Salvation!

    Woo-hoo!  The time has finally come for us to embark upon our rocking and rolling trip through the Word of God.  So far, we have gone over our travel tips and have gotten our itinerary all worked out.  Now, here with our bags packed and our tickets in hand, it is time for us to board the Truth Train and depart for the first stop on our journey, the Salvation Station. At this point, some of you may be wondering why a stop there is necessary at all.  For those of you traveling in Group #1—those who may have already experienced salvation, or who may have been involved in the…