• 3-Bible Story Posts, Act 1, Scene 2--the Betrothal

    Abraham:  Called to Wait

      Last time, in Episode #3 of Biopic #1, we learned about Abram’s latest encounter with God.  It came on the heels of his victory over the four Kings from Mesopotamia, his meeting with Melchizedek, and the temptation presented to him by the King of Sodom.  During this encounter, God expanded upon His revelation to Abram, revealing to him for the first time that he would father a son of his own.  Emphasis was placed on the fact that, at this promise of a Son, Abram believed God and his faith was credited to him as righteousness. At the time, God also reaffirmed His promise that Abram’s descendants would inherit the…

  • Can't Isn't in My Vocabulary
    Service Posts

    Service: Women and the Work of God, Part 1

      In our last exercise, Service: Interrupted…By Devilish Design, we learned how Satan, in his drive to establish his kingdom’s rule over the earth, has been at work trying to prevent the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth.  We discovered that from the beginning of human history to the present time he has… Grown his kingdom by alienating people from God, taking and keeping them captive through sin; Limited the growth of God’s Kingdom by keeping those under his dominion ignorant of God’s goodness, as well as the freedom they could be enjoying as members of His Kingdom; and, Hindered the advancement of the Kingdom of God by means…

  • Predestination and Election
    Salvation Posts

    Salvation: Do We Have a Choice?

      I have been a Christian for many years and in all that time, the three subjects which seem to have generated more confusion and conflict within the Body of Christ than anything else have been… Predestination and Election The Eternal Security of the Believer, and Women in Ministry. However, for all of the discussion and arguments provoked by these subjects, not much in the way of a consensus seems to have been reached.  I believe this is primarily due to the fact that proponents on both sides of the issues have often failed to interpret the verses supporting their positions within their immediate contexts and within the overall context…

  • The Ark on the Waves
    2-Bible Story Posts, Act 1, Scene 1--the Overture

    God Remembers…

      In anticipation of our soon-to-begin Vignette #8, let’s take a few minutes to review the situation that poor Noah was in when our last Vignette ended.  As you may recall he, his immediate family, and a large number of animals were locked up in the Ark—the really big boat he had built at the direction of God—and were floating around on what must have seemed like an interminable sea. This massive ocean had come into being (perhaps I should say it had come back into being) when God released onto the earth the waters which had been stored above and below it at the beginning of creation; an action which…

  • Genesis 1-4: The Story So Far
    2-Bible Story Posts, Act 1, Scene 1--the Overture

    Vignette #5: Our Lineup to the Flood

      Now that we have completed our critique of the story of Cain and Abel, it is time for us to move on to the next Vignette or mini story in the presentation of God’s One Big Story–one taking us up to Noah and the Flood.  In order to put things into perspective, and as a benefit to those who may be new to our group, I think it is a good idea to do a brief recap of our story so far. Here at His Truth, My Voice, we are currently undertaking a guided tour of the Bible, one which we have been referring to as The Journey into…