• 3-Bible Story Posts, Act 1, Scene 2--the Betrothal

    Abraham:  Called to Wait

      Last time, in Episode #3 of Biopic #1, we learned about Abram’s latest encounter with God.  It came on the heels of his victory over the four Kings from Mesopotamia, his meeting with Melchizedek, and the temptation presented to him by the King of Sodom.  During this encounter, God expanded upon His revelation to Abram, revealing to him for the first time that he would father a son of his own.  Emphasis was placed on the fact that, at this promise of a Son, Abram believed God and his faith was credited to him as righteousness. At the time, God also reaffirmed His promise that Abram’s descendants would inherit the…

  • 3-Bible Story Posts, Act 1, Scene 2--the Betrothal

    Abraham: Called to Wander, Worship, and Witness

      Welcome back to Act 1, Scene 2 of God’s One Big Story.  Although it has been a while since we last met, when we did, we were introduced to Abraham, the first of the four Hebrew Patriarchs who are showcased in Genesis 12-50.  Since these men were the ones most responsible for the birth and development of the Nation of Israel—and, since Israel will be making her first appearance on our stage in the next scene—this one will be given over to an examination of the Biographical Pictures or Biopics—of these important men. As for Abraham/Abram,[1] here is what we have learned so far about the Man who would…

  • 3-Bible Story Posts, Act 1, Scene 2--the Betrothal

    Stage #2–At Last!

      Now that we have arrived at Stage #2, the time has come for us to exit the Truth Train and make our way into the theatre where Act 1, Scene 2 of God’s One Big Story will soon be getting underway with the Story of Abraham.  As we leave, let’s remember to take with us the Program Guides we were given on the first leg of our journey.  These will prove to be helpful because, while we are watching the smaller stories taking place on the Earthly Stage before us, they will help us keep in mind the larger story that is taking place on the Heavenly Stage above…