Today, as we are remembering those who have died in the pursuit of our freedoms, I would like to remember my uncle George who, after serving in WWII, was later sent to Korea where he was killed, buried in a mass grave, and classified as MIA for over fifty years! Thank you for your service and sacrifice!
Service: Women and the Work of God, Part 2
As promised at the end of our last workout session, we are back to finish what we started in our exercise on Service: Women and the Work of God. There, in Part One, in pursuit of a better understanding of the role God intends for Women to play in the Service of His Kingdom, we once again went back to the story of Adam and Eve, looking at it to determine… God’s Purposes for the Sexes; God’s Punishment of the Sexes; and, God’s Promise to the Sexes. As a result, we discovered that in His quest for a Family to love, God created Man as a Spirit Being, a Spirit…
Service: Women and the Work of God, Part 1
In our last exercise, Service: Interrupted…By Devilish Design, we learned how Satan, in his drive to establish his kingdom’s rule over the earth, has been at work trying to prevent the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth. We discovered that from the beginning of human history to the present time he has… Grown his kingdom by alienating people from God, taking and keeping them captive through sin; Limited the growth of God’s Kingdom by keeping those under his dominion ignorant of God’s goodness, as well as the freedom they could be enjoying as members of His Kingdom; and, Hindered the advancement of the Kingdom of God by means…
Service: Interrupted… by Devilish Design
For some time now, we have been engaged in a workout program designed to help us become stronger and more effective followers of Jesus Christ. Through this four-level series of increasingly difficult exercises, we are being challenged to grow in our knowledge and understanding of… Salvation; Sanctification; Service; and, Spiritual Warfare. Such knowledge is vital to our spiritual growth, for it is… Through the study of Salvation and Sanctification that we learn who God wants us to be; and, Through the study of Service and Spiritual Warfare that we learn what God wants us to do. As for who God wants us to be, to put it…
A New Year, a Fresh Start
Today marks the fourth birthday of this blog, His Truth My Voice.org. In spite of its being birthed during one of the most challenging times for my family and me, it was and continues to be a labor of love–one born out of a need to share with others some of the truths I have learned about God through my long-time study of His Word. Unfortunately, due to a major move at the end of last summer (one which took me several months to recover from) and a recent knee replacement surgery, I have not been as productive as I would have liked to have been. However, now that I…