• Timely Reflections

    The Coming Harvest

      Over the past several years, there have been a number of prophetic words given concerning an upcoming spiritual revival, one that promises to usher in the Third Great Awakening in America and produce a world-wide, billion-soul harvest for the Kingdom of God. Not surprisingly, the immediate responses from those on the receiving end of these words have been universal and enthusiastic exclamations of Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, and Amen—in other words, “It’s about time—bring it on!” And yet, as much as we may long to see this take place, as people living in twenty-first century urbanized America, we have no idea what such a harvest might look like or…

  • Timely Reflections

    A Line and a Net

      Some weeks ago, while listening to a prophetic word concerning this past November’s highly contested presidential election, two words were dropped into my spirit. The first of these was line, followed a few minutes later by the word net.  When I heard “line,” I was immediately reminded of what I had written last summer in my post Smoke and Mirrors.  There, I had warned believers not to be taken in or deceived by the pandemic and the race riots which were then taking place, because they were merely diversionary tactics of the devil, designed… To create a line of division between believers—to prevent them from forming a solid voting…

  • The Workout Room
    Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: A Question of Authority

    So far, in our efforts to become more spiritually fit, we have successfully worked our way through three of the four levels of exercise in our Workout Program where at…      Level 1, we covered the basics of our Faith; learning how, through Salvation, we are Redeemed from Sin and Death, and adopted as children into the Family of God.      Level 2, we dealt with Sanctification; or the life-long training process by which the Holy Spirit transforms us from the Sinners we once were into Holy Sons and Daughters of God.      Level 3, we learned about Service; or the Work of God that we, as His…

  • 2-Bible Story Posts, Act 1, Scene 1--the Overture

    Sowing, Reaping, and the Nature of the Trees

    Previously, in Vignette #3, we watched sadly and helplessly as Adam and Eve deliberately chose to disobey God by eating from the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This one errant action on their part was all that it took to introduce Evil, with its accompanying fear, shame, deceit, alienation, and death, into what was then an ideal world.  Later, in Vignette #4, we saw how, after the passage of time and with the addition of their sons, Cain and Abel, the sowing of that initial seed of Evil by our first parents had taken root and blossomed into the kind of bitterness, resentment, misunderstanding, self-righteousness, and anger…