• Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare:  Gearing Up for Battle

      For some time now, we have been involved in a rather rigorous training program, a Spiritual Boot Camp of sorts, designed to prepare us—as followers of Jesus Christ—for service as soldiers in the Army of God.  As part of this training for Spiritual Warfare, we have… Learned that the warfare in which we are to be engaged is essentially A Question of Authority, as well as A Preparation for Our Destiny; Learned a little about Our Enemy, Satan, and discovered that the Nature of this Conflict, at its core, is a Battle between him and God for the Will of every Man, Woman, and Child on the face of…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Evolution and Education

      In our last Workout Session, as part of our on-going effort to map out Satan’s Kingdom, we began surveying the Landscapes of the Terrestrial or Earthly Division of his realm.  Given the amount of territory to be covered in this exercise, it will no doubt prove to be one of the most strenuous ones we have undertaken to date; so strenuous, in fact, that it must be spread it out over the course of four sessions, with… Session 1—Covering the Political and Financial Landscape of Satan’s Kingdom; Session 2—Covering the Educational Aspect of Satan’s Cultural Landscape; Session 3—Covering the Media Aspect of Satan’s Cultural Landscape; and, Session 4—Covering the…

  • Spiritual Warfare Posts

    Spiritual Warfare: Getting the Lay of the Land

      Having familiarized ourselves with the character, career, and ultimate end of our enemy (Satan) in our previous exercise, it is now time for us to “get the lay of the land” over which he rules.  In other words, we are going to reconnoiter–or, to put it into military terms–do a “recon” of our enemy’s territory.   Since reconnoiter comes from the French word reconnoiter, meaning to “make a survey,” our goal in this action is… …to inspect, observe, or survey (the enemy, the enemy’s strength or position, a region, etc.) in order to gain information for military purposes.[1] Given that the enemy’s territory is so vast, and largely invisible to the…

  • Service Posts

    Service: Interrupted… by Devilish Design

      For some time now, we have been engaged in a workout program designed to help us become stronger and more effective followers of Jesus Christ.  Through this four-level series of increasingly difficult exercises, we are being challenged to grow in our knowledge and understanding of… Salvation; Sanctification; Service; and, Spiritual Warfare.  Such knowledge is vital to our spiritual growth, for it is… Through the study of Salvation and Sanctification that we learn who God wants us to be; and, Through the study of Service and Spiritual Warfare that we learn what God wants us to do.      As for who God wants us to be, to put it…

  • Sanctification Posts

    Sanctification:  Restoring the Soul through the Word of God

      We really stretched our spiritual muscles in our last exercise—Sanctification: Restoring the Soul through Prayer—as we learned how the Holy Spirit teaches us to talk to our Heavenly Father through prayer, and how He uses those prayers to… Make us One with the Father in His Person; and, Make us One with the Father in His Purpose. Additionally, through these prayers He opens up an emotional “love-line” between God and us; creating a place where we are free to express our deepest feelings and concerns without censure; and where, as our spirits and hearts become united with God’s over time, we are able to absorb and share in the…