The Workout Room

Welcome to the His Truth, My Voice Workout Room–where we, through a series of exercises in godliness, will endeavor to get our spirits into the best shape possible. As the Apostle Paul told his ministerial protege in 1 Timothy 4:8…
…while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
Our program, under the supervision of Huey, our fitness instructor, will be a graduated one taking us from the basic warm-up levels of Salvation and Sanctification, onto the intermediate level of strength training for Service, and finally to the endurance level required for Spiritual Warfare. Since an individual’s assessment of his or her own spiritual fitness can often be inaccurate, we all will begin at the same place–which is, at Level 1, with the warm-up exercises dealing with the various aspects of Salvation. So, let’s get started!
Level 1–Exercises in Salvation
Level 2–Exercises in Sanctification
Level 3–Exercises in Service
Level 4–Exercises in Spiritual Warfare