Spiritual Warfare: Gearing Up for Battle
For some time now, we have been involved in a rather rigorous training program, a Spiritual Boot Camp of sorts, designed to prepare us—as followers of Jesus Christ—for service as soldiers in the Army of God. As part of this training for Spiritual Warfare, we have… Learned that the warfare in which we are to be engaged is essentially A Question of Authority, as well as A Preparation for Our Destiny; Learned a little about Our Enemy, Satan, and discovered that the Nature of this Conflict, at its core, is a Battle between him and God for the Will of every Man, Woman, and Child on the face of…
Spiritual Warfare: The False Faith of Religion
Now that we have finished mapping out the first two tiers of Satan’s earthly kingdom… Its Physical and Financial Landscape; and, The Educational and Media Structures making up its Cultural Landscape… …it is time for us to move on to a survey of its third tier, which is the Religious Landscape over which he rules. As we do, we need to keep in mind that the Structures in these Landscapes have been especially designed to maximize Satan’s control, conditioning, and corruption of Corporate Humanity’s Body, Soul, and Spirit. As we have learned previously, it is through the manipulation of the… Physical and Financial Structures that he Controls what people…
Spiritual Warfare: Knowing the Enemy
In our last exercise, we learned how important it is to understand the nature of the spiritual conflict in which we, as the Sons and Daughters of God, are engaged. As we shall learn in this exercise, it is equally important for us to discover as much as we can about our adversary—that is, if we want to stay alert and guard against his assaults. For… …unless we grasp how the devil fits into God’s scheme of things, we will find it more difficult to stand against his conspiracy against us personally and his influence within our culture. How we perceive our enemy will largely determine how we fight…
Spiritual Warfare: Preparation for Our Destiny
In our last exercise, Spiritual Warfare: A Question of Authority, we were introduced to the concept of Dominion and, as part of that introduction, we learned that our Destiny, as God’s Children, is to one-day rule alongside of Christ in His Coming Kingdom. In anticipation of and preparation for that Destiny, God gifted the first Man and Woman with the Authority that they (and we) would need to rule over His Earthly Creation. Unfortunately, this Authority was lost—handed over to Satan—when Adam and Eve succumbed to his temptation to disobey God in order to become “gods” on their own terms—that is, apart from God and through their own wisdom and…
Visit the Workout Room
His Truth, My Voice has added a new Page to its lineup. It is the Workout Room, and this is the place where we will be attempting to get spiritually fit through a program of exercises in Spiritual Disciplines. The first set of exercises, dealing with the basic principles of Salvation, has been posted there so be sure to check it out. If you know someone who has yet to experience this gracious gift of God, or maybe someone who has been saved but still has questions about their Salvation, please be sure to refer them to this Page— http://histruthmyvoice.org/?page_id=5756.